Sweet Bouquets by The Mouse House Florist in Pocklington

Sweet Bouquets


A beautiful gift with a twist … a traditional bouquet … but made entirely of sweets!

Our sweet bouquets are a perfect gift to send to your loved one or friend for many occasions such as "Happy Birthday", "Well Done"& "Gell Well Soon" amongst others.

These sweet bouquets are also a great alternative to take into hospital for a poorly friend or relative as most hospitals no longer allow flowers on wards or as a gift for that special someone who simply has everything.

Each sweet bouquet is individual and made up freshly to order and include a wide range of both chocolate bars and sweets. Prices start from £15.00 upwards depending on your requirements.

Many variations are possible so you can have an entire bouquet of chocolate bars or a delicious mixture of all your favourite sweets. Each bouquet is beautifully presented in a box that has been lined with tissue paper, cellophane, ribbon and a personalised message. Please call us if you have any specific requests or requirements


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